Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Tahap pelatihan IS yang Baik

1. Investigasi

Pada tahap ini kita mengumpulkan informasi berkenaan dengan customer. Informasi yang kita butuhkan berkenaan dengan informasi perusahaan, apa yang ia butuhkan, budaya belanja perusahaan tersebut dan siapa pengambil keputusan yang bisa kita hubungi. Dan yang tak kalah pentingnya, kita harus mendapatkan nomor telpon atau email pengambil keputusan tersebut.

Informasi bisa kita kumpulkan dari website perusahaan, informasi dari publik relation atau yang paling mudah mendapatkan informasi adalah dari tenaga penjualan perusahaan tersebut. Biasanya tenaga penjualan adalah orang yang open terhadap informasi, sehingga bisa kita manfaatkan untuk mendapatkan informasi penting yang kita butuhkan.

Informasi bisa kita kumpulkan dari mana saja untuk melengkapi perbendaharaan kita tentang perusahaan tersebut. Ada beberapa marketer yang bisa mendapatkan informasi budget perusahaan target, meskipun hal ini agak sulit dan dipandang kurang etis.

2. Informasi

Kita harus memastikan bahwa customer kita mendapatkan informasi secara lengkap tentang kita. Customer hanya akan membeli produk dari perusahaan yang jelas, memiliki kapabilitas dan kapasitas yang bisa diandalkan. Sehingga ia akan merasa yakin bahwa kita bisa membantu sesuai dengan apa yang ia inginkan.

Untuk melengkapi informasi customer tentang kita, tahap awal bisa mengirimkan brosur, link ke website kita atau company profile.

3. Membuat Janji

Jika mereka tertarik dengan informasi tentang perusahaan kita, maka langkah selanjuatnya adalah membuat janji untuk melakukan presentasi secara detail tentang produk yang kita tawarkan.

Dalam membuat janji kita juga harus mendapatkan informasi berapa orang yang akan mengikuti presentasi produk. Hal ini diperlukan agar kita mempersiapkan secara tepat, misalnya menyediakan cetakan berkenaan dengan fitur produk, perlukah membawa LCD Projector atau cukup menggunakan laptop.

Selain jumlah, tingkatan jabatan yang akan hadir juga perlu kita ketahui sebelumnya. Tentu kita memerlukan persiapan materi yang berbeda ketika berhadapan dengan top management, midle management atau user. Fokus pembahasan dan sudut pandang terhadap produk akan berbeda antara ketiganya.

Biasanya jajaran top management lebih bersifat strategis misalnya manfaat, tanggung jawab dari vendor terhadap produk tersebut, daya saing, keandalan produk dan trend terhadap produk sejenis. Jajaran midle management biasanya lebih berfikir kearah operasional, seperti keamanan penggunaan produk, berapa besar biaya perawatan produk tersebut dan seberapa besar kemampuan produk tersebut membantu memudahkan pekerjaan.

Berbeda dengan jajaran manajemen, user biasanya berfikir lebih teknis. Kemudahan apa yang didapatkan setelah menggunakan produk tersebut dibandingkan dengan sebelumnya. Sering kali user memiliki pendangan sangat berbeda dengan jajaran manajemen. User sering kali hanya berfikir kemudahan pekerjaanya sendiri, padahal untuk kepentingan yang lebih besar, terkadang kemudahan itu tidak dapat diwujudkan.

4. Presentasi

Presentasi adalah bagian yang sangat penting. Presentasi bertujuan menunjukkan kegunaan, keunggulan dan fitur produk dan layanan. Sesi presentasi merupakan kesempatan kita untuk dapat meyakinkan calon customer terhadap produk dan layanan yang kita tawarkan.

Untuk meyakinkan calon customer kita harus menyiapkan alat peraga yang memadahi. Alat peraga bisa berupa materi presentasi yang sudah diramu pada software tertentu seperti power poin atau flash, bisa juga dilengkapi dengan peragaan produk secara langsung.

Dalam sesi presentasi usahakan tidak memberikan bahan bacaan yang banyak kepada audience, itu akan menyebabkan mereka tidak memperhatikan apa yang kita sampaikan. Berikanlah bacaan yang singkat misalnya brosur atau fitur dan gambar produk yang kita jual.

5. Merancang Kebutuhan

Pada akhir sesi presentasi kita harus mendapatkan gambaran kebutuhan calon customer. Hal ini bisa kita gali melalui sesi tanya jawab. Sesi tanya jawab bisa dilakukan pada akhir sesi atau bisa juga bersamaan dengan presentasi dilakukan. Namun jika tanya jawab dilakukan pada saat presentasi, kita harus tetap fokus kepada arah yang kita tuju dan tidak melebar mengikuti pertanyaan audience yang melebar kemana-mana. Kita dituntut memiliki kemampuan menggiring audience kepada satu titik yang akan kita tuju.

Dengan memahami kebutuhan calon customer secara utuh, akan membantu kita menyarankan produk mana yang cocok dengan kebutuhanya. Kita juga bisa menyarankan produk secara bijak dalam artian tidak berlebihan.

6. Proposal

Setelah kebutuhan calon customer kita petakan dengan baik, saatnya kita merancang proposal atau surat penawaran. Karena produk yang dibutuhkan sudah jelas, maka kita juga bisa merancang harga produk dan layanan kita.

7. Negosiasi

Negosiasi merupakan tahap akhir untuk menentukan berhasil atau tidaknya penjualan. Hal-hal yang perlu dinegosiasikan diantaranya harga, term and condition, tanggal pengiriman dan pemasangan, pembayaran dan layanan purna jual.

Dalam bernegosiasi diperlukan kekuatan mental yang baik juga persiapan apa saja yang menjadi posisi tawar kita menjadi lebih tinggi. Misalnya banyaknya customer kelas atas yang telah memakai produk kita.

Hal yang paling krusial dalam negosiasi biasanya masalah harga dan fasilitas atau layanan lebih yang diharapkan oleh calon customer. Bagaimanapun kita punya rambu-rambu dari internal perusahaan kita, agar tidak memberikan kelonggaran berlebih yang akan mengakibatkan kerugian perusahaan. Dua kepentingan yang bertolak belakan ini biasanya bisa membawa kepada perundingan yang alot.

Jika negosiasi kita berhasil pada kesepakatan penjualan, kita perlu menuangkan pada Surat Perjanjian, baik MoU (memrandum of Understanding), MoA (Memorandum of Agreement) atau Surat Perjanjian Jual Beli. Perjanjian ini yang akan menjadi rambu-rambu pelaksanaan kesepakatan dalam negosiasi.

8. Pelaksanaan

Tahap akhir dalam sebuah penjualan adalah melaksanakan semua hasil kesepakatan kedua belah pihak. Termasuk didalamnya pengiriman barang yang tepat waktu, implementasi yang baik (misalnya setting peralatan dan training penggunaan), pembayaran dan layanan purna jual sesuai dengan perjanjian yang telah dibuat.

Tahapan-tahapan diatas adalah tahapan secara umum yang telah terbukti berhasil dan praktis. Tentu tidak menutup kemungkinan Anda menggunakan tahapan-tahapan berbeda yang telah disesuaikan dengan situasi dan kondisi di lapangan

Metode Seminar Memiliki Kelebihan
  • Peserta mendapatkan keterangan teoritis yang luas dan mendalam tentang masalah yang diseminarkan

  • Peserta mendapatkan petunjuk-petunjuk praktis untuk melaksanakan tugasnya

  • Peserta dibina untuk bersikap dan berfikir secara ilmiah

  • Terpupuknya kerja sama antar peserta

  • Terhubungnya lembaga pendidikan dan masyarakat

Metode Seminar memiliki kelemahan
  • Memerlukan waktu yang lama
  • Peserta menjadi kurang aktif
  • Membutuhkan penataan ruang tersendiri

Menyeleksi End User yang baik

Research on the influence of attitudes toward computers and end user performance has reported inconsistent results. The inconsistent results, at least in part, could be attributed to the lack of correspondence between the general nature of the attitude measure and the specific nature of the criterion, end user performance. Based on Ajzen and Fishbein's (1980) behavioral intentions model, we argue that attitudes toward working with computers matches end user performance in terms of specificity and relevance, and therefore should be consistently related to end user performance. In this study, in addition to attitudes toward working with computers, the effects of goal setting and self-efficacy on end user performance were also tested. Results indicate that attitudes toward working with computers, goal setting and self-efficacy significantly influence end user performance. Strong support for attitudes, goal setting and self-efficacy indicate that end user performance can be substantially enhanced by shaping end users' attitudes toward working with computers, teaching end users to set specific and challenging goals, and enhancing end users' beliefs to effectively learn and use computing technology.

The proliferation of end user computing (EUC) has been widely reported (e.g., Burrows, 1994). Computer literacy requirements have skyrocketed for clerical and support staff (Bowman, Grupe, and Simkin, 1995) and for many middle and senior management positions (Olsten, 1993). EUC has the potential to influence productivity, competitiveness and profits. In recognition of this potential, organizations are devoting a substantial portion of their information technology budget to EUC activities. Given that training can affect the success or failure of EUC within an organization (Bostrom, Olfman, and Sein, 1990; Rivard and Huff, 1988), preparing the workforce to use information technology productively has become a high priority in many organizations and is reflected by increased training budgets (Aggarwal, 1998; Finley, 1996). Since the primary purpose of introducing new technology is to improve productivity, organizations expect their employees to learn and apply EUC technology to increase their job performance and contribute to organizational effectiveness.

The preponderance of research on end user performance has focused on attitudes toward computers to predict end user performance. However, these studies have generally reported inconsistent results (e.g., Kennedy, 1975; Kernan and Howard, 1990; Marcoulides, 1988; Mawhinney and Saraswat, 1991; O'Quin, Kinsey, and Beery, 1987; Roszkowski, Devlin, Snelbecker, Aiken, and Jacobsohn, 1988; Szajna, 1994). So it is not clear if, in fact, attitudes influence end user performance. It is important to identify factors with potential to influence end user performance because such knowledge can enable educators and trainers to design better programs and enhance end user performance. This line of research has practical significance because unless end users learn and utilize end user technology to improve their job performance, organizations are unlikely to reap the benefits of investments in training and in EUC technology.

The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of attitudes, goals setting and self-efficacy on end user performance. The conceptual foundation of this study is based on the dispositional paradigm. The dispositional paradigm is founded on the premise that individual differences are relatively stable both across time and situations and can be used to explain and predict behaviors and outcomes (see Allport, 1961; Kane, Bernardin, Villanova, and Peyrefitte, 1995; Staw and Ross, 1985).

This paper is organized into four sections inclusive of this introductory section. In the second section, we will review the studies that examined the relationship between attitudes and end user performance and offer plausible explanations for the inconsistent findings. In the third section, we will develop hypotheses for the study. Finally, we will present results of this study, offer suggestions to enhance end user performance, and discuss avenues to extend research on end user performance.


Prior research on the relationship between attitudes and end user performance has reported inconsistent results. About one half of the studies that examined the relationship between attitudes and end user performance have reported a relationship. While some these studies reported a positive relationship, others have reported a negative relationship. Alternatively, roughly one half of the studies failed to find a relationship between attitudes and end user performance.

Studies Reporting a Positive Relationship: In one of the early studies on end user performance, Nickell and Pinto (1986) developed the Computer Attitude Scale (CAS) and investigated reliability and validity of the scale in five different samples. Nickell and Pinto found that scores on the CAS were positively correlated with final course grades of students enrolled in an introductory computer class. Scores on the CAS were also positively related to evaluations of job performance of computer operators …

Menyeleksi Tahap Pelatihan End User

Course Description

An overview of organizational and end-user information systems (OEIS)--technologies, business processes, and worker performance. This course emphasizes methods used to plan for and implement information technologies in the workplace. Advances in information systems hardware and software and appropriate applications are discussed. Emphasis is on understanding end-user needs and how to select or design systems to address them. Work flow and systems analysis methodology, work (re)design, organizational change, systems implementation, and management issues are covered. Basic computer literacy is assumed.

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Identify OEIS technologies and differentiate the types of systems skills required to develop and implement OEIS in comparison to transaction processing systems
  • Explain what a system is and how systems concepts apply to the planning, design, and implementation of information systems in the office environment
  • Cite examples of specific business needs and how information technologies can be used to address them
  • Describe characteristics of office work environments and the impact of information technology on work performance
  • Identify human factors issues associated with the use of OEIS technologies
  • Define business process redesign and describe how enterprises are using it in conjunction with information technologies to improve business results
  • Defend the value of system methodology showing how it is applied to the analysis and design of organizational and end- user information systems
  • Summarize the role of training and support in OEIS implementation and describe approaches to meeting these needs
  • Identify organizational and management issues related to the use of technology in the workplace and explain how enterprises can address them
  • Find information regarding end-user technologies in the trade press, journals, and other reference sources

Course Approach

This course is designed to provide current thinking about information systems and the changing role of systems analysts, managers, and end users with regard to information system use, planning, implementation, and management at the desktop. To provide appropriate background and a solid foundation of understanding, instructors may find it helpful to arrange tours, bring experienced business people into the classroom, and/or arrange appropriate demonstrations of technology. Methods of instruction could include lectures, guest interviews, videos, and selected cases. Students participate in all class discussions by sharing experiences and commenting on assigned readings. Hands-on experience with technology could be included.

Although a basic text should be used for a foundation, students should also use and analyze information available in appropriate trade journals, videos, and other reference sources. Field and library-based research projects are recommended. Oral and written reports could help to develop necessary communication skills.

Course Content

1. Overview of systems concepts and the current status of end-user and networking technologies (10%) Skill level 1

Material covered: Overview of current directions in OEIS technologies, the impact of information technology on worker performance, and foundations for understanding office work environments. Introduction to basic systems concepts. Concepts of automated support in comparison to traditional office/administrative support. How OEIS fits into the typical enterprise information systems organization and how OEIS differ from transaction processing systems. Career opportunities.

2. Identifying business applications (30%) Skill level 1

Material covered: Improving workplace performance and supporting core business processes. Understanding requirements of the workplace and selecting appropriate hardware and software to meet performance needs. Applying technology to support knowledge workers in a wide variety of enterprises, including managerial, professional, technical, and administrative positions.

3. Workplace performance and productivity (20%) Skill level 1

Material covered: The impact of information technology on work performance; organizational and behavioral issues related to the introduction of new technologies. Topics include business process redesign, job design, organizational change, and human factors.

4. Planning and implementing OEIS (20%) Skill level 1

Material covered: Concepts, methodologies, and tools to assess how work is currently accomplished; the design of new systems to improve business processes. Implementation and evaluation strategies for now systems, and managing end-user computing. Adoption, infusion and assimilation of technology and organizational innovation. Introduction to project management.

5. OEIS training and support (10%) Skill level 1

Material covered: Important issues for effectively using computers in the workplace. Theoretical foundations and practical approaches to training and providing on-going support for systems users. Assessment of performance requirements, instructional design, implementation, and evaluation of training programs.

6. Organizational and managerial issues (10%) Skill level 1

Material covered: Management of computers in the workplace from a business perspective. Productive use of technology, establishing policies for end-user computing, controlling access to information, protecting the integrity and confidentiality of data, and legal issues

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